Quebec: 418-656-1313 Montreal: 514-317-6354 Sherbrooke: 873-498-3148
Law 25:
What you need to know

This new law amends certain provisions of the Act respecting the protection of private information in the private sector.
The company must appoint a person responsible for the protection of personal information. In the absence of designation of a Head, the Law presumes that the person with the highest authority occupies this role;
The title and contact information of the privacy officer must be published on the company's website;
When a company has reason to believe that a serious confidentiality incident has occurred, it must notify the Commission d'accès à l'information and all persons concerned by the incident; And
The Manager must keep a register of confidentiality incidents that have occurred in the company.
Effective as of September 22, 2023:
Each company will have to develop, establish andimplement a privacy policyto provide for practices governing its governance with respect to the protection of personal information. Detailed information about this policy should be posted on the company's website;
The company that collects personal information must inform the person concerned of the purposes necessary for this collection and use the personal information only in connection with this purpose;
Bill 25 adds a system of financial administrative penalties applicable in the event of a breach by a company of an obligation imposed on it by the Act, which may go up to a sum of $10,000,000 or an amount corresponding to 2% of the turnover. global business; And
Criminal penalties are also increased, up to $25,000,000 or an amount equal to 4% of the company's worldwide revenue.
Effective as of September 22, 2023:
Each company will have to develop, establish andimplement a privacy policyto provide for practices governing its governance with respect to the protection of personal information. Detailed information about this policy should be posted on the company's website;
The company that collects personal information must inform the person concerned of the purposes necessary for this collection and use the personal information only in connection with this purpose;
Bill 25 adds a system of financial administrative penalties applicable in the event of a breach by a company of an obligation imposed on it by the Act, which may go up to a sum of $10,000,000 or an amount corresponding to 2% of the turnover. global business; And
Criminal penalties are also increased, up to $25,000,000 or an amount equal to 4% of the company's worldwide revenue.
Effective as of September 22, 2023:
Each company will have to develop, establish andimplement a privacy policyto provide for practices governing its governance with respect to the protection of personal information. Detailed information about this policy should be posted on the company's website;
The company that collects personal information must inform the person concerned of the purposes necessary for this collection and use the personal information only in connection with this purpose;
Bill 25 adds a system of financial administrative penalties applicable in the event of a breach by a company of an obligation imposed on it by the Act, which may go up to a sum of $10,000,000 or an amount corresponding to 2% of the turnover. global business; And
Criminal penalties are also increased, up to $25,000,000 or an amount equal to 4% of the company's worldwide revenue.
[1] Gaspé Énergies inc. et al. c. Procureur général du Québec, 200-17-032721-219 et al.
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Cette décision fait présentement l'objet d'un appel.