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Chantier Davie signs first contract to lauch NSS Icebreaker program

March 26, 2024

GBV Avocats proudly acknowledges the signing of Chantier Davie’s new contract for the design of six new modern icebreakers for the Canadian Coast Guard.

260 000$ amassés pour La Montée des Sommets GBV 2024

28 septembre 2024

Le samedi 28 septembre 2024, 600 marcheurs se sont réunis pour gravir le Mont Sainte-Anne au bénéfice des jeunes du Centre Jeunesse de Québec. Depuis 8 ans, nous avons remis plus de 1 300 000$ à la Fondation du Centre jeunesse de Québec afin que celle-ci puisse remplir pleinement sa mission, soit celle de soutenir les jeunes moins favorisés de notre région. Nous en sommes fiers.


Chantier Davie signs first contract to lauch NSS Icebreaker program

March 26, 2024

GBV Avocats proudly acknowledges the signing of Chantier Davie’s new contract for the design of six new modern icebreakers for the Canadian Coast Guard.

La Cour supérieure du Québec ordonne la consultation des Premières Nations d'Essipit et des Pekuakamiulnuatsh en lien avec l'élaboration de la Stratégie pour les caribous

21 juin 2024

Le vendredi 21 juin dernier, la Cour supérieure du Québec a donné raison aux Premières Nations d'Essipit et des Pekuakamiulnuatsh et ordonne au Gouvernement du Québec de mettre en place un processus consultatif d'ici au 30 septembre 2024.

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Sébastien Proulx, nommé membre du Comité consultatif sur les enjeux constitutionnels du Québec au sein de la fédération canadienne

7 juin 2024

Le vendredi 7 juin 2024, Me Sébastien Proulx a été nommé membre du Comité consultatif sur les enjeux constitutionnels du Québec au sein de la fédération canadienne. Le comité, constitué de six membres, sera dirigé conjointement par Sébastien, ancien ministre et Guillaume Rousseau, professeur de droit constitutionnel.

Félicitations Sébastien!

Souper homard du Club Kiwanis de Québec

30 mai 2024

Le jeudi 30 mai dernier se déroulait le traditionnel Souper homard du Club Kiwanis de Québec, un événement pour lequel notre collègue Me Michèle Thivierge était présidente d'honneur.

Dans le cadre de cette édition, 500 personnes étaient présentes et 151 465$ ont été récoltés pour habiller et nourrir les enfants de Québec.

Nous sommes ravis d'avoir pu soutenir cette cause et contribuer à l'événement!


GBV : partenaire de l'IUCPQ pour 10 ans

24 mai 2024

Le vendredi 24 mai dernier avait lieu la soirée Au coeur de vos passions aux profits de la Fondation IUCPQ au Manège militaire Voltigeurs de Québec. Pour souligner la contribution de l'IUCPQ à la qualité de vie et au bien-être de nos proches et de nos communautés, nous sommes fiers d'annoncer que GBV Avocats s'engage à soutenir la Fondation de l'IUCPQ à la hauteur de 25 000 $ par année, pendant 10 ans, pour un total de 250 000 $.

GBV tourné vers l'avenir

7 mai 2024

Le mercredi 1er mai 2024, GBV amorçait fièrement sa 26e année d'existence. Fort de son héritage et tourné vers l'avenir, GBV se compose d’une équipe de professionnel(le)s dévoué(e)s adhérant aux valeurs de rigueur, d’intensité et d’humilité. Notre associé fondateur, Me Marc-André Gravel, assisté de son complice historique, Me Michel Bernier sont fiers de perpétuer cette tradition d'excellence via la nomination d'associé(e)s

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L'une des nôtres se démarque au concours de plaidoirie Adam F. Fanaki en droit de la concurrence

29 avril 2024

Justine Bissonnette-Lépine, étudiante en droit chez GBV, a brillamment remporté la troisième place pour la meilleure plaideuse orale de la partie intimée lors du prestigieux concours de plaidoirie Adam F. Fanaki en droit de la concurrence! 

Il s’agissait de la première participation de la Faculté de droit de l’Université Laval à cet événement, qui a eu lieu les 23 et 24 mars 2024 à Toronto.

Félicitations, Justine, pour cette réussite remarquable!

40 ans de pratique du droit de Me Michel Bernier

16 avril 2024

Le jeudi 11 avril dernier, nous avons eu le privilège de célébrer les 40 ans de pratique du droit de notre collègue, Me Michel Bernier. Avec plus de 20 ans passés chez GBV, Michel incarne la rigueur, la résilience et la loyauté envers sa profession de manière inspirante.

L’équipe s’est réunie pour marquer cette étape importante de sa carrière, témoignant ainsi de notre profonde admiration et reconnaissance pour son dévouement sans faille.

Au nom de toute l’Équipe GBV, félicitations Michel pour ces quarante années remarquables.


GBV Avocats, fier partenaire présentateur du Grand Maillet de l'Université Laval

12 avril 2024

Pour la troisième année consécutive, GBV était le fier partenaire présentateur du Grand Maillet de l'Université Laval. Nous sommes ravis d’avoir pu nous joindre à la communauté juridique pour célébrer les réussites exceptionnelles de la relève.

Annonce des stagiaires 2025 et 2026 de l'Équipe GBV - Québec

22 mars 2024

GBV Avocats est fier de présenter les stagiaires 2025 et 2026 de l'Équipe GBV - Québec. Nous avons célébré leur arrivée lors d'un chaleureux 5 à 7. Ce fut l'occasion parfaite de faite connaissance et de célébrer ensemble ce moment important.

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Chantier Davie signs first contract to lauch NSS Icebreaker program

March 26, 2024

GBV Avocats proudly acknowledges the signing of Chantier Davie’s new contract for the design of six new modern icebreakers for the Canadian Coast Guard.

Bryan O'Gallagher nommé Consul honoraire d'Irlande pour le Québec

15 mars 2024

GBV avocats a le plaisir d’annoncer que Me Bryan O’Gallagher a été nommé au poste prestigieux de Consul honoraire pour le Québec par le gouvernement de la République d’Irlande. Le Tánaiste (Vice-premier ministre) et ministre des Affaires étrangères de I’Irlande, Micheál Martin, a confirmé cette nomination lors d’une visite officielle au Canada organisée autour des traditionnelles fêtes de la Saint-Patrick.

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Une expansion stratégique : GBV Avocats s'agrandit avec l'ouverture d'une nouvelle place d'affaires à Sherbrooke

22 février 2024

GBV Avocats est ravi de confirmer l'ouverture d'une nouvelle place d’affaires dans la magnifique Ville de Sherbrooke. Cette étape stratégique vise à soutenir notre engagement à fournir des services juridiques de qualité partout au Québec et à répondre à la demande croissante de notre clientèle. Nos opérations estriennes seront coordonnées par Me Dany Lachance, notaire commercialiste, assistée de Me Audrey Morvan, avocate commercialiste et Mme Christine Roy, technicienne juridique.

Sursis d'application de certains articles de la Loi mettant fin à la recherche d’hydrocarbures 

8 février 2024

L’équipe GBV est satisfaite d'avoir accompagné ses clientes dans le cadre d’un dossier soulevant l’invalidité constitutionnelle de plusieurs dispositions de la Loi mettant fin à la recherche d’hydrocarbures ou de réservoirs souterrains, à la production d’hydrocarbures et à l’exploitation de la saumure au motif qu’elles portent atteinte au droit fondamental de propriété garanti par la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne et le Code civil du Québec.

10e édition du Cocktail La Cellule en collaboration avec le CHU de Québec et le CHU de Québec-Université Laval

25 janvier 2024

Le 25 janvier 2024 avait lieu la 10e édition du Cocktail La Cellule en collaboration avec le CHU de Québec et le CHU de Québec-Université Laval au Musée de la Civilisation, un événement pour lequel notre cabinet était fier partenaire. Des membres de l’équipe étaient sur place pour célébrer cette belle initiative.

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Chantier Davie annonce aujourd’hui l’acquisition des actifs du chantier naval finlandais Helsinki Shipyard Oy (HSO)

3 novembre 2023

C’est avec une immense fierté que toute l’équipe de GBV Avocats se réjouit de l’annonce de l’achat des actifs du chantier maritime finlandais Helsinki Shipyard par Chantier Davie Canada.

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Me Camille Guay-Bilodeau: recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund Editorial Grant

November 19, 2020

In addition to having solid experience, Camille Guay-Bilodeau is the new recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund for Civil Law Writing Scholarship - 2020 edition . Intended for a student registered for a master's degree in law, with thesis or essay, who is in the drafting phase and whose subject is related to civil law, this scholarship requires an application file composed of many criteria to consider: his university transcripts, a letter on the thesis subject, his interest as well as the work schedule, his curriculum vitae and the evaluation form completed by his research director. This distinction highlights the exceptional quality of its dossier.

Une intégration stratégique : GBV Avocats s'agrandit avec l'arrivée de MT|A Avocats (French only)

April 12, 2023

On March 21, GBV Avocats, a leading law firm based in Quebec and Montreal, began integrating MT|A Avocats, a Quebec firm specializing in civil and commercial litigation, of business and construction law within its multidisciplinary team.

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Me Camille Guay-Bilodeau: recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund Editorial Grant

November 19, 2020

In addition to having solid experience, Camille Guay-Bilodeau is the new recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund for Civil Law Writing Scholarship - 2020 edition . Intended for a student registered for a master's degree in law, with thesis or essay, who is in the drafting phase and whose subject is related to civil law, this scholarship requires an application file composed of many criteria to consider: his university transcripts, a letter on the thesis subject, his interest as well as the work schedule, his curriculum vitae and the evaluation form completed by his research director. This distinction highlights the exceptional quality of its dossier.

Me Camille Guay-Bilodeau: recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund Editorial Grant

November 19, 2020

In addition to having solid experience, Camille Guay-Bilodeau is the new recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund for Civil Law Writing Scholarship - 2020 edition . Intended for a student registered for a master's degree in law, with thesis or essay, who is in the drafting phase and whose subject is related to civil law, this scholarship requires an application file composed of many criteria to consider: his university transcripts, a letter on the thesis subject, his interest as well as the work schedule, his curriculum vitae and the evaluation form completed by his research director. This distinction highlights the exceptional quality of its dossier.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is a real pride to be able to collaborate with an accomplished lawyer! Check out his profile now.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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The "GBV en Santé" program

March 17, 2021

On March 1st, we launched a new healthcare program for our team and their loved ones, called “GBV en Santé”. We invite all our business partners to take actions likely to allow their employees easy access to support and listening.

Me Camille Guay-Bilodeau: recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund Editorial Grant

November 19, 2020

In addition to having solid experience, Camille Guay-Bilodeau is the new recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund for Civil Law Writing Scholarship - 2020 edition . Intended for a student registered for a master's degree in law, with thesis or essay, who is in the drafting phase and whose subject is related to civil law, this scholarship requires an application file composed of many criteria to consider: his university transcripts, a letter on the thesis subject, his interest as well as the work schedule, his curriculum vitae and the evaluation form completed by his research director. This distinction highlights the exceptional quality of its dossier.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is a real pride to be able to collaborate with an accomplished lawyer! Check out his profile now.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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The "GBV en Santé" program

March 17, 2021

On March 1st, we launched a new healthcare program for our team and their loved ones, called “GBV en Santé”. We invite all our business partners to take actions likely to allow their employees easy access to support and listening.

Me Camille Guay-Bilodeau: recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund Editorial Grant

November 19, 2020

In addition to having solid experience, Camille Guay-Bilodeau is the new recipient of the Jacques-Deslauriers Fund for Civil Law Writing Scholarship - 2020 edition . Intended for a student registered for a master's degree in law, with thesis or essay, who is in the drafting phase and whose subject is related to civil law, this scholarship requires an application file composed of many criteria to consider: his university transcripts, a letter on the thesis subject, his interest as well as the work schedule, his curriculum vitae and the evaluation form completed by his research director. This distinction highlights the exceptional quality of its dossier.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It is a real pride to be able to collaborate with an accomplished lawyer! Check out his profile now.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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Image by Andrew Neel

The "GBV en Santé" program

March 17, 2021

On March 1st, we launched a new healthcare program for our team and their loved ones, called “GBV en Santé”. We invite all our business partners to take actions likely to allow their employees easy access to support and listening.

Collective support for the benefit of a youth foundation

December 11, 2020

It goes without saying that the second wave of the pandemic is hitting hard and, under these circumstances, the community needs our support more than ever. As we have been advocating since last March, we hope that this period will be marked by empathy, solidarity and mutual aid.

With this in mind, GBV made a donation of $ 20,000 to the Fondation Jeunes en tête as part of the Mayor's Ball, hosted in virtual form. This foundation is particularly close to our hearts because its mission is to prevent psychological distress in young Quebecers aged 11 to 18. A mission that particularly challenges us in these difficult times when mental health is an issue that must concern us all.

We invite all of our clients, partners and the entire business community to join in this collective support by contributing, in their own way, to helping the most vulnerable.

Thank you for supporting this effort and joining in this crucial support

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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The "GBV en Santé" program

March 17, 2021

On March 1st, we launched a new healthcare program for our team and their loved ones, called “GBV en Santé”. We invite all our business partners to take actions likely to allow their employees easy access to support and listening.

Collective support for the benefit of a youth foundation

December 11, 2020

It goes without saying that the second wave of the pandemic is hitting hard and, under these circumstances, the community needs our support more than ever. As we have been advocating since last March, we hope that this period will be marked by empathy, solidarity and mutual aid.

With this in mind, GBV made a donation of $ 20,000 to the Fondation Jeunes en tête as part of the Mayor's Ball, hosted in virtual form. This foundation is particularly close to our hearts because its mission is to prevent psychological distress in young Quebecers aged 11 to 18. A mission that particularly challenges us in these difficult times when mental health is an issue that must concern us all.

We invite all of our clients, partners and the entire business community to join in this collective support by contributing, in their own way, to helping the most vulnerable.

Thank you for supporting this effort and joining in this crucial support

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Help for hospital patients and our guardian angels

December 10, 2020

Small or large, each donation is a step towards improving care in the regions. Supporting the Chicoutimi Hospital so that it can continue to offer cutting-edge care to the population is particularly touching.

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The challenges are great during this health crisis and will be for the coming months. GBV generously made a donation of $ 5,000 to the Fondation de ma vie, which is committed to pursuing its mission and to continuing to prioritize the health and safety of the people in their area.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


La Grande Tablée 2020

November 10, 2020

For us, solidarity is essential, especially in times of crisis. GBV is proud to be able to encourage and support our company.

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La Tablée des Chefs's mission is to feed people in need and to develop culinary education for young people. It is therefore a pleasure for us to contribute to a virtual event such as the Grande Tablée 2020, which took place last Saturday, in order to help young people and those in need.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Partner of the Michel-Sarrazin Leaders' Evening

23 october 2020

What an honor for us to have contributed to this virtual event, the 5th edition of the Soirée des Leaders Michel-Sarrazin, by offering a donation of $ 3,500 for the Fondation de la Maison Michel-Sarrazin, an organization that we warmly welcome. heart. Held under the theme Uniting our voices for the end of life , the evening was rich in emotions and highlighted testimonies and songs.

Even more than ever, our efforts as a society are essential. Let us stand united and continue to offer collective support to those in need.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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Honorary presidency for the benefit of the Coastal Palliative Care Center

October 8, 2019

On October 8, Mathieu and Michel Bernier were honorary co-chairs of the Scotch Tasting evening, which was held at the Anglicane in Lévis. The profits were donated to the Center for Palliative Care of the Littoral.

Since 2011, the mission of the House has been to provide access to nine palliative care beds to support people with cancer or another serious illness and with a life expectancy of less than two months, in the Bellechasse, Lévis, Lotbinière and Nouvelle-Beauce sectors.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Quebec newspaper article: .

GOLD partner of the fundraising dinner for the benefit of the Canadian Cancer Society

September 26, 2019

Following the evening of September 26, 2019 for which GBV was an OR partner, a sum of $ 5,200 was awarded for the cause of cancer.

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All funds will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society and will be used to fund research projects, provide support to people affected by cancer, disseminate up-to-date information on cancer, help prevent this disease through promotion healthy lifestyles and to carry out activities in defense of the public interest.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


The GBV team in the quarter-finals of the Quebec Young Bar Tournament

September 15, 2019

GBV was proudly represented at the annual Jeune Barreau de Québec softball tournament.

Congratulations to our team and the organizing committee for the event. A very special thank you to Antoine Sarrazin-Bourgoin who was in charge of the event.

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